The next morning when the Sardar looked upon the luminescent faces of the Syeds in the court, he felt as if he had not given a deserving welcome to the graceful Syeds. To make up for the opportunity lost Sardar Abdullah Khan Sadozai offered the Syeds an extended stay at the royal guesthouse that lasted for almost a year.
During that stay the Sardar saw the piousness as well as the miracles performed by the Syeds and become deeply impressed by their personality and virtue. Furthermore, the ruler of Dera Ismail Khan Sardar Abdullah Khan Sadozai granted Syed Ameer Shah and his sons a garden with a water well which was approximately 20 kanals (5445 square foot) area in 1839 AD ~ 1256 Hijri. There was also a small house on the said property that was part of the grant. This house still exists just inside the “Kanairyan Gate” but there is no reminiscence of the garden any longer. Houses were constructed over time all around the Syeds house that ended up being the cause of the garden vanishing. In 1839 AD when Sardar Abdullah Khan Sadozai showed his generosity and hospitality towards the Syed household there were many within the Sadozai family who did not like this action and started to count the Syeds as their foe.